Should I be worried about technology replacing humans?

In December 2022, McDonald opened its first fully automated restaurant in Texas. Not too long ago, in August 2022, Whole Foods introduced palm payment in California, where customers can scan their palms to pay for their groceries. Other parts of the world have restaurants where robots deliver the food you order on a screen to your table.

There is more and more automatizations happening around us. To name a few:

  • Apple users can set “focus mode” to show a particular home page & setting at the same time every day or based on location.

  • Amazon allows users to subscribe to products that are shipped to their homes every 6-8 months.

  • Your phone can send calls to voice mail and send an automatic message while you are driving.

  • Self-check out at grocery stores and Costco will even prompt you at check out to ask if you want to use the payment method you already installed on your phone.

  • The automated stir fry machine that cook your food for you and robot chef that cook your meal in front of you.

Our world is becoming faster, more convenient, and more automated. And there is a fear that technology will replace humans since it has already replaced many jobs such as cashier, services, store associate…etc. In other fields, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to replace content writers, creators, and copywriters. AI can produce written content, artwork, and photo editing faster than humans.

However, technology can not replace every aspect of the human experience. Technology cannot replace human connection and intimacy. Technology cannot replace a person’s beliefs, strategic thinking, interpersonal skills, imagination, innovation, and emotion regulation.

Therefore, more emphasis should be paid to developing these soft skills to adapt to the times. The jobs that will remain operated by humans in the future will require strategic thinking, helping human beings build closer relationships and innovation.


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