the Mingling of the Souls

Author: Matt Chandler

What is the book about as a whole?

  • The authors used the Song of Solomon to demonstrate the relationship between a man and a woman, from dating to marriage.

  • The authors further expand this relationship between a man and a woman to the relationship between God and his people, mainly regarding the salvation of God’s people.

  • The book went into the details of a marriage after the wedding, including the ups and then downs of a marriage.

What is being said in detail, and how?

  • 1. The book is structured like a Bible study on the Song of Solomon, and the chapters were divided based on the structure of the book.

  • 2. Song of Solomon is songs between a king and his lover, and the author described in more details and explained the scripture throughout the book.

  • 3. One of the authors used his story to illustrate the principles laid out in the book, including the areas where he failed and how God worked in his marriage.

Is the book true, in whole or in part?

  • 1. The book is true to those who believe in the gospel of Jesus, and God’s design of marriage between a male and a female. So to me, this book is true in whole because of its root in the Bible.

  • 2. This book is also true to those who believe that marriage is between a male and a female, and the believe that marriage is a gift from God that need to be cherished and kept.

Why does the author think it is important to know these things?

  • 1. The author think it is important to know these things because our culture today does not put a lot of emphasis on the importance of marriage.

  • 2. It is also important to know the relationship that God has designed for male and female, for man and woman. It might be different than how the world think about marriage. There is more responsibility placed on each individual of the marriage to make the marriage blossom. It is an equal partnership where pursuing each other is required.


  • I have always enjoyed Matt Chandler’s writing, the way he tells stories and how he ties the scripture to the rest of his writing.

  • It is a fairly easy read. I breezed through it and sometimes paused to ponder.

Who Should Read It?

  • The believers should read it because it is seeing marriage being designed by our God.

  • Nonbeliever should read it because it shows the world that Christian marriages are not perfect, because the individuals within the marriage are not perfect, but God is perfect and he redeems marriage and helps man and woman to enjoy the good gift that is marriage.

  • Anyone who is thinking about dating or marriage should read it, so they know how God designed marriage and understand their responsibility within the marriage.

  • Married couple should read it together as it evoke a lot of thoughts, and praying through it together could be beneficial to one’s marriage.

How the Book changed me

The book changed my thinking about marriage, as I had this perfect picture of marriage, and after examining my own marriage, I know I am no where near that picture. This book shows me that marriage isn’t perfect because my wife and I are imperfect people, and when imperfect people come together as one, it is not going to be perfect, and work is required. That work can only be fruitful if God is in charge of it.

This book gave me ideas on how I can pursuit my wife more, and that it is my responsibility to put in the work to make my marriage work.

My Top 3 Quotes

1. There is no sin - past, present, or future - that has more power than the cross of Jesus Christ. … please know that you haven’t strayed too far that there is no redemption for you.

2. Don’t try to hold out for perfect, because only Jesus can offer you that. Instead, what you should ask yourself is: Does s/he show a trajectory of health and godliness? Is s/he willing to repent when s/he does wrong? Is s/he a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

3. [Marital sex] has become the culmination and the means of something greater, something beyond themselves.


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