Excuses Be Gone: How to Take Action and Prioritize Your Growth

Do you have big dreams and wonderful ideas, but find yourself constantly saying, "I wish I had more time to do this" or "I know I need to do that"? It's time to stop wishing and start doing. Take advantage of the time you have and invest in yourself. Learn new skills, take on new challenges, and pursue your passions.

But when you actually have time to take the next action step, how often do you find yourself making excuses for not taking action?

You may blame your busy schedule, exhaustion, responsibilities, stress, and even indulge in the thought that you deserve a break because you have worked so hard. You may also blame other responsibilities or the relationships you are in. You are too busy taking care of your kids, figuring out the schedule with your spouse, or deal with in-laws.

Deep down, you know you want a change. It could be your improve your physical health, your mental well-being, increase your intellectual ability, or build stronger relationships. But you have a hard time making it happen when it matters the most.

In that moment, you need to find support for yourself.

It starts with believing that you can do it. You believe you can get there. You also believe that God can and wants to empower you to do it.

Then you call yourself up to do it. You gently challenge yourself and stretch yourself a bit. You step outside of your comfort zone, and you take one baby step towards growth. This step should be small. You will also have an easier time to succeed if you start with just one area.

Don’t forget to acknowledge that living in Silicon Valley can be tough, but you need to call yourself up and take responsibility for your growth. No one else can grow for you. Here are some ways you can support and grow yourself in different areas:

Physical Health:

  • Track what you are eating and keep a record of your exercise.

  • Go outside and get some fresh air.

  • Do a short, but intense work out.

Mental Health:

  • get some vitamin D, aka the sun light

  • Journal

  • Listen to music.

Intellectual Ability:

  • read a book

  • Attend a workshop

  • Solve a problem at home

Social Relationships:

  • Grab coffee with someone.

  • Volunteer together.

  • Do an activity together.

It's time to lead yourself and show yourself that you can prioritize your well-being while still being a responsible adult. The excuses you made for yourself is only lying to you. It doesn’t help you.

Remember, it's never too late to start. Call yourself up to higher standard and lead yourself there.


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