Excuses Be Gone: How to Take Action and Prioritize Your Growth

Do you have big dreams and wonderful ideas, but find yourself constantly saying, "I wish I had more time to do this" or "I know I need to do that"? It's time to stop wishing and start doing. Take advantage of the time you have and invest in yourself. Learn new skills, take on new challenges, and pursue your passions.

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Relationship, Communication David Huang Relationship, Communication David Huang

There is so much more than this.

When interacting with people, it is important to remember that there are many factors that can affect their behavior. Everyone is complex and has multiple facets, some of which may be unknown. It is important to be understanding and empathetic, and to recognize that issues in other areas of life can affect someone's performance and quality in the moment. When someone asks how you are doing, be open to sharing more about yourself and don't be afraid to let others in.

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Relationship, Emotion, Planning, Communication David Huang Relationship, Emotion, Planning, Communication David Huang

5 tips to prepare you for family time 

Like the people I asked, you probably have mixed feelings about spending family time on holiday. You may enjoy one aspect of it, but you dread the other parts of it. You look forward to catching up with your family, but you know you aren’t going to enjoy what they have to say about certain topics. These emotions exist simultaneously and can impact the quality of your time with them. Here are 5 tips to prepare yourself for more family time.

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