Parenting, thinking David Huang Parenting, thinking David Huang

7 Tips to help your child practice critical thinking at each stage of development.

Critical thinking is an important soft skill to have. Critical thinking allows you to plan a trip, prepare for disasters, solve complicated real-world problems, and make the best possible outcome choices. Your children’s lives would be pretty miserable without critical thinking skills. Help your child develop critical thinking with these 7 tips.

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Parenting, Communication David Huang Parenting, Communication David Huang

30 questions to help your child talk about their day. 

Children often only remember the last part of their day before getting picked up. For many children, lunch and recess are the most memorable parts of their day. So when the parents asked them about their day, they said they played on the playground. They often said that school was “fine” or “just okay.” and “they didn’t learn anything.” It’s difficult for parents to get an insight into their child’s life at school. Here are 30 questions to help your child share more of their day with you.

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Parenting, language, Communication David Huang Parenting, language, Communication David Huang

5 Tips to increase your child’s vocabulary at an early age.

Language development is an important part of child development. Language development also supports other aspects of development, such as brain development, cognitive development, and social development. 

Children who have developed their language skills can express and understand feelings, improve their thinking skills and ability to learn, increase their problem-solving skills, and build relationships. Children who have developed their language skills also read better and faster. 

Here are 5 tips to help increase your young child’s vocabulary.

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Bilingualism, Parenting, Communication David Huang Bilingualism, Parenting, Communication David Huang

Should I raise my child to be bilingual? 6 questions to help you determine your parenting goal.

Parents face many major parenting questions. For 2nd generation immigrant parents, there is a question that you will face early on, “should I raise my child to be bilingual?” Figuring out the answer to this question is challenging and what makes it even harder is that every one has a different opinion on what is the right answer.

This post contains 6 questions that can help you determine your parenting goal for your child’s language development.

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