Owning Your Part: How Parents can lead their Child to resolve Parent-Child Conflict
You and your child need to understand that conflicts are a two-way street. It takes effort from both sides to find a resolution and move forward. Owning one's mistakes and taking responsibility for one's actions is the first step towards achieving a healthy and positive relationship.
Let's Reschedule This Conversation: How to Manage Intense Emotions
Sometimes conversations take unexpected turns and can quickly become heated. To prevent this from happening, it can be helpful to take a step back and reschedule the conversation. This gives you time to process your emotions and enter the conversation with a sense of calm.
There is so much more than this.
When interacting with people, it is important to remember that there are many factors that can affect their behavior. Everyone is complex and has multiple facets, some of which may be unknown. It is important to be understanding and empathetic, and to recognize that issues in other areas of life can affect someone's performance and quality in the moment. When someone asks how you are doing, be open to sharing more about yourself and don't be afraid to let others in.
There is way more underneath the surface; 5 questions to help your teen dig deeper.
Reflecting on my teenage years, I realized that there was way more under the surface. There is more to my behavior than just being rebellious. Tying my experience with my work with teens, here are five questions to help your teen dig deeper.
How to avoid collisions in conversations?
Have you ever regretted saying something to your teen that cause more fights and tension in your relationships? These collisions happen different people converse. So put in stop signs to avoid collisions.
Bring your family closer with family meetings.
Have you ever felt like there is not enough time to solve problems in your relationships? You know there are problems, but everyone seems so busy. There is a gnawing feeling that problems are to be solved, but no one has time to solve them. You need a family meeting.
Your relationship with your child will change.
Ever wonder why your child’s relationship with you kept on changing? Just when you think you have figured out how to connect with your child, the dynamic changes again. What are some major changes to anticipate as your child grows from an infant to an adult
3 Tips to start journaling
Journaling is one of many ways to discover your voice. Here are 3 tips to get started today.
Discovering your voice through journaling
Journaling is a great way for you to discover your perspective and voice. It allows you to know who you are and what you are about.
Will you lose your voice to AI?
With AI helping you write content, how will this tool change how you express yourself? How may it affect your voice.
My Teen is Not Patient: what are the causes and what are my options?
A behavior can signal multiple underlying issues. When teens act out, they can be acting out for a variety of reasons. So before you jump in to correct your child, figure out the underlying cause. When you focus on the surface, the behavior, you are likely to miss the mark as a result, your relationship with your teens deteriorates.
What are some underlying reasons why teens jump in and interrupt their parents?
My teen isn’t sharing their real feelings, what should I do?
For parents who are very intentional in building a trusting relationship with their teenager, it can be really frustrating when your teen responds with “fine'“, “it’s good”, and “there is nothing new.” Here is my response to the question “what should I do when my teen isn’t sharing real feelings?”
5 tips to prepare you for family time
Like the people I asked, you probably have mixed feelings about spending family time on holiday. You may enjoy one aspect of it, but you dread the other parts of it. You look forward to catching up with your family, but you know you aren’t going to enjoy what they have to say about certain topics. These emotions exist simultaneously and can impact the quality of your time with them. Here are 5 tips to prepare yourself for more family time.
10 Questions to help your child think better.
10 questions to help your child think more critically. These questions challenge the children to think harder than you. These questions empower children to become better thinkers. These questions give permission to children to practice thinking without the fear of judgment. I hope you find them useful in your conversations with your child.
What influences will AI bring to the world? 4 benefits and 4 considerations.
It is tempting to look at the benefit of an AI writer who writes 10X faster than you and produces any kind of content you want. But what are the implications of using such a service? What impact will it have on our society? More importantly, how will it impact the next generation? This post includes 4 benefits and 4 implications of AI writer for you to consider.
30 questions to help your child talk about their day.
Children often only remember the last part of their day before getting picked up. For many children, lunch and recess are the most memorable parts of their day. So when the parents asked them about their day, they said they played on the playground. They often said that school was “fine” or “just okay.” and “they didn’t learn anything.” It’s difficult for parents to get an insight into their child’s life at school. Here are 30 questions to help your child share more of their day with you.
5 Tips to increase your child’s vocabulary at an early age.
Language development is an important part of child development. Language development also supports other aspects of development, such as brain development, cognitive development, and social development.
Children who have developed their language skills can express and understand feelings, improve their thinking skills and ability to learn, increase their problem-solving skills, and build relationships. Children who have developed their language skills also read better and faster.
Here are 5 tips to help increase your young child’s vocabulary.
Should I raise my child to be bilingual? 6 questions to help you determine your parenting goal.
Parents face many major parenting questions. For 2nd generation immigrant parents, there is a question that you will face early on, “should I raise my child to be bilingual?” Figuring out the answer to this question is challenging and what makes it even harder is that every one has a different opinion on what is the right answer.
This post contains 6 questions that can help you determine your parenting goal for your child’s language development.
3 myths that rob your confidence to connect with your children and how to bust them
There are many hurdles that immigrant parents must overcome to connect with their American-born children, but what if some of these hurdles are not real hurdles? They are just myths. Here are 3 myths that rob your confidence in connecting with your children: