Want your child to smile when they see you pop up on their phone? 10 ways to build positive memories with your child.
Discover 10 ways to build positive memories with your child in our latest blog post. From spending quality time to celebrating accomplishments, these tips will help you become the positive influence your child needs. Click the link to learn more and start building memories that will make your child smile every time they see you pop up on their phone.
Why Showing Up Matters: Understanding Your Kids' Expectations
As a parent, you may feel like you're always there for your children, but do they feel the same way? The disconnect between parents' and children's expectations of "showing up" can cause frustration and resentment. Learn how to understand your kids' expectations and show up when it matters most.
Let your dream guide your decisions
When your children turn 18, and they are getting ready to leave for college, move to another city, or pursue other endeavors, what kind of relationship do you want to have with them? What kind of relationship do you want your children to have with you?
Parenting Living Organisms: 5 Tips for Growing Your Child
Every child is unique. Parenting living organisms requires an approach different from the linear, factory-style thinking. Here are 5 tips to start building an environment that allows your child to thrive.
Parents: Academic Achievement Starts in the Home!
Do you know the many factors that contribute to your child's academic success? From motivation and access to resources, to stress management and school climate, learn how you can help your student achieve their goals.
Finding the Right Partner in Raising your Child: Finding the Right School for Your Child
Whatever the child is learning at school will be brought home, and the child will combine what they are learning in school with what you teach them at home. They combine their knowledge to make sense of the world and develop their own idea of how they will behave as adults. This makes the school the most important partnership in raising your child.
Teaching Positive Behaviors to Your Child - It's More Than Just a Reminder
Behaviors are a combination of a person's genetics, environment, and experiences. To stop a behavior, a replacement behavior has to take the original behavior’s place. Create an environment where behaviors that align with your values are celebrated and behaviors that are contrary to the values are ignored or punished.
There is way more underneath the surface; 5 questions to help your teen dig deeper.
Reflecting on my teenage years, I realized that there was way more under the surface. There is more to my behavior than just being rebellious. Tying my experience with my work with teens, here are five questions to help your teen dig deeper.
How to avoid collisions in conversations?
Have you ever regretted saying something to your teen that cause more fights and tension in your relationships? These collisions happen different people converse. So put in stop signs to avoid collisions.
Your relationship with your child will change.
Ever wonder why your child’s relationship with you kept on changing? Just when you think you have figured out how to connect with your child, the dynamic changes again. What are some major changes to anticipate as your child grows from an infant to an adult
My Teen is Not Patient: what are the causes and what are my options?
A behavior can signal multiple underlying issues. When teens act out, they can be acting out for a variety of reasons. So before you jump in to correct your child, figure out the underlying cause. When you focus on the surface, the behavior, you are likely to miss the mark as a result, your relationship with your teens deteriorates.
What are some underlying reasons why teens jump in and interrupt their parents?
My teen isn’t sharing their real feelings, what should I do?
For parents who are very intentional in building a trusting relationship with their teenager, it can be really frustrating when your teen responds with “fine'“, “it’s good”, and “there is nothing new.” Here is my response to the question “what should I do when my teen isn’t sharing real feelings?”